
Glove Dispensers

Each of our Glove Dispensers can be easily organised, stored, and accessed, making them ideal solutions for dispensing PPE Gloves in medical environments.

The Single Glove Holder, and Three Glove Holder respectively, are the Glove Dispensers that are available on our store. Both products are made from a PVC Material that can be wall-mounted, making them hygienic and practical in your environment. The size of your Gloves will not matter, as the single size of each of these holders can fit gloves of all sizes.

The key difference between the dispensers is the number of packs of Gloves that each of these Dispensers can hold at once, which can suit environments of different levels of traffic. Whichever Glove Dispenser you choose to buy, will be an effective dispensing product for you.

You can view these Glove Holders in more detail down below.

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