
Top 10 Evans Vanodine GreenTick Commercial Cleaning Chemicals

 Top 10 Evans Vanodine GreenTick Commercial Cleaning Chemicals

IPA Supplies is an approved Evans Vanodine distributor, meaning we can offer you the best prices and a wide selection of Evans Vanodine cleaning chemicals. Evans Vanodine has been making cleaning and hygiene products that are reliable, effective, and affordable for over 100 years!

Evans Vanodine cleaning products are widely trusted throughout the hospitality, catering, leisure, healthcare and education sectors. As a market-leading manufacturer of cleaners and disinfectants suitable for every room - You’ll discover a product perfect for the job at hand!

Evans Vanodine Cleaning Chemicals

For over 100 years, Evans Vanodine has been making effective and affordable cleaning and hygiene products. The company was founded in 1919 by William Charles Evans in Salford, Manchester and initially made sprays for cinemas. It later expanded to produce disinfectants, liquid soaps, and powders. Today, the company is still owned by the Evans family and is a top supplier in industries like industrial cleaning, food processing, and animal health. They export their products to more than 80 countries worldwide.

What is Evans Vanodine GreenTick Initiative?

Evans Vanodine understands that every chemical has some impact on the environment, and even water can have a detrimental effect. To combat their environmental impact Evans Vanodine has developed an innovative system for classifying each of our products according to their overall impact. Their system scores products based on eight different criteria. The criteria selected are used to create a holistic life cycle view of the processes and product and also align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Every product in the Evans range is analysed using the GreenTick system. The lower the overall product score, the lower the impact on the environment. Products which achieve a low impact rating are identified with a GreenTick logo on the label. Their goal is to offer optimal performance and minimal impact.

What are the Advantages of the Evans Vanodine GreenTick System?

Evans Vanodine has created the GreenTick system to offer optimal performance and minimal environmental impact. Creating the GreenTick system and scoring all products against the GreenTick methodology, enables Evans to highlight the lowest-impact product within each product category. This helps users to choose the lowest-impact product suitable for their cleaning task. Using a low-impact product to carry out a cleaning task in the wrong circumstance does not serve the best interest of the environment, therefore it is important to:

  • Select the right product for the job.
  • Use the recommended dilution rate.
  • Dispose of it responsibly.

What Evans Vanodine Products are GreenTick Approved?

Evans Vanodine is committed to developing professional cleaning chemicals that have minimal impact on the environment. Their GreenTick-approved chemicals include some of their super concentrate chemicals and bestsellers including Evans Esteem, Evans Lift and Evans Kind. You can see the full range of Evans Vanoine eco-friendly cleaning chemicals here.

We have put together a list of our top 10 Evans Vanodine GreenTick commercial cleaning chemicals based on customer reviews and industry favourites.

  • EC4 Sanitiser Super Concentrates 1Ltr or 5Ltr - Super Concentrate Sanitiser

  • EC6 All Purpose Super Concentrates 1Ltr or 5ltr - Interior Hard Surface Cleaner

  • EC9 Washroom Super Concentrates 1Ltr or 5Ltr - Disinfectant and Descaler

  • Evans Kind 5ltr - Washing Up Liquid Lemon Fragrance

Evans Vanodine's extensive range of environmentally low-impact cleaning chemicals provides effective cleaning and hygiene solutions for a range of industries. Contact us today if you need advice on Evans Vanodine cleaning chemicals or choosing the best cleaning chemicals for your business.

2nd Feb 2024

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