
Brand Spotlight - Evans Vanodine - Cleaning Supplies

Brand Spotlight - Evans Vanodine - Cleaning  Supplies

Evans Vanodine develops and manufactures a range of professional cleaning chemicals suitable for the healthcare, hospitality and leisure industries. Find out more about Evans Vanodine and their Green Tick initiative to offer eco-friendly cleaning supplies.

At IPA Supplies we partner with leading manufacturers to provide cost-effective cleaning and hygiene solutions to a range of sectors including Healthcare, Hospitality, Catering, Leisure, and Education. Evans Vanodine is one of our most popular cleaning chemicals brands across all industries.

Evans Vanodine has been making cleaning and hygiene products for more than a century. The company was founded in 1919 by William Charles Evans, who originally made cleaning sprays. Later, they started producing disinfectants, liquid soaps, and powders. The company is still owned and managed by the Evans family. It began with just one small laboratory but has now become a global leader in manufacturing cleaning chemicals. 

Evans Vanodines cleaning chemicals and products cover an extensive range of applications for the healthcare, hospitality, janitorial, food process and animal health sectors. They help kill pathogenic diseases in hospitals and keep the restaurants safe and hygienic. From kitchen sanitisers and degreasers to washroom cleaners and everything in between. Evans cleaning chemicals are designed for industrial and commercial cleaning, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment. Their range of cleaning chemicals can also be used at home, with most being available in 5Ltr and 750ml. 

Evans understands that their responsibility to their customers goes beyond just manufacturing and supplying products. Their team of in-house microbiologists and chemists, who have extensive experience in the industry, are always looking for optimal hygiene solutions. They have developed a range of cleaning hygiene plans to help customer implement the chemicals into their business quickly and effectively. 

Greentick Range

Evans Vanodine has created a unique system to categorize their products by their environmental impact. This system considers eight different aspects, which together provide a comprehensive view of the product's life cycle and also align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The eight criteria include:

  • Impact of Raw Materials
  • Impact of Product in Use
  • Impact of Packaging Usedits
  • Environmental Hazard Class
  • pH Balance of Product
  • Impact of Energy Used
  • Impact of Transportation
  • Water Used to Manufacture

The Evans range uses a GreenTick system to evaluate each product's impact on the environment. Products with a lower score have less of an impact and are labelled with a GreenTick logo. Want to know more about the Evan GreenTick ranking system for their cleaning chemicals? Discover more here.

Evans Vanodine and IPA Supplies

Evans Vanodine is a trusted manufacturer and supplier, we are confident in their cleaning chemicals as are our customers. Their e:dose range is highly recommended, offering a variety of effective cleaning products in a convenient and colour-coordinated system. These products are concentrated, making them easy to use and cost-effective. Whether your business is in the healthcare industry, hospitality or leisure, we can help you find the best cleaning chemicals and hygiene supplies for your requirements. Contact us today for a free quote or advice. 

15th Jan 2024

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